Monday, May 21, 2012

The second 9...

Since I have talked a little about golf, I figured you might want a little more because remember just like Chubbs Peterson once said "It's all in the hips".  So I thought why not put out a few more tips on how to save your back during a round and how if you do get injured to recognize the symptoms.  Most of this information is coming from "Chiropractic tips & Advice to improve your golf game and save your back"

Golfers put their bodies in oddly twisted postures, that generate a great deal of torque (i.e Tiger out of the rough when he was younger:).  Couple these motions with a bent-over stance, repeat this 70-120 times, mix in the weather, the fatigue from walking and what you get is a good workout and potential back trouble.

Most golfers go until they get hurt to look for help.  According to Dr David Stude, founding fellow of the National Golf Fitness Society "Back pain is a warning sign that there is an underlying problem responsible for a symptom that will likely get worse.  Doctors of chiropractic look for the cause of the symptom and help reduce the likelihood of future injury."

Dr Strude suggests some simple but effective measures to help avoid pain or injury and improve your game.

  • Get your equipment fitted, don't adapt your swing to clubs that are not right for you
  • Women, please don't use "hand me downs" from your husband they can be too long and too stiff for you
  • Stretch before you play, I know we all want to be John Daily and just roll up and hit the ball of the first tee.  Without a proper warm up we can increase our aversion for injury.
  • Take lessons to learn proper technique; at the end of the swim you want to be standing up straight, the back should not be twisted.
  • Take the "drop"!  One bad swing striking a root or a rock with your club can cause damage to your wrist, neck or back.
Doctors of chiropractic are trained and licensed to treat the entire neuromusculoskeletal system.  Doctors of chiropractic can address other health concerns, such as shoulder, knee, arm, and wrist pain that can affect your game.  It you golf consistently, you will no doubt feel the stress of the game, but by following a few simple prevention tips, it is possible to play without pain for a lifetime.

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