Friday, May 4, 2012

May the 4th be with you! (I know lame nerd joke)

Well, today is May the 4th and everyone who has ever gotten into a debate about who shot first will most likely have some sort of Stars Wars discussion, watch the Original Trilogy, or wear something dealing with a galaxy far, far away.  I am going to make a quick case about why chiropractors are like Jedi, no we don't have command of light sabers and probably can't make the X-Wing rise.  What chiropractors do use is the Force (wait didn't I just say we couldn't make the X-Wing rise).

The Force I am talking about is Innate Intelligence, now what Innate Intelligence is the bodies ability to heal it self.  Think when you cut yourself, what happens?  That is correct the body bleeds a little then it forms a clot.  Did you have to think about your body clotting or did you start yelling at the cut like Sam Kinison?  No way, your body knew what to do and it sprung into action (insert Super Hero/Star Wars Hero analogy).  So how do chiropractors use something that is in grained in all of us?  Simply my friends, your brain is the worlds fastest and most complex super computer in the world.  What happens is our brains without us knowing or telling it does a multitude of processes every second.  Your brain communicates with the body through the spinal cord, and from the spinal cord out to spinal nerves and so forth.  The spinal cord is protected by the spinal column (the same thing that chiropractors work on day in and day on millions of patients).  What happens if the spinal column gets out of place and puts pressure on a spinal nerve (nerve interference or subluxation), do you think that spinal nerve can send and receive signal from our brain and body?  Think about when you take a hose that is running then kink it, yep the water slows or stops entirely.  That happens on a daily basis with some of us, PAIN.  Pain is our body telling us that something is wrong somewhere and we need to correct it.

What a chiropractor does is remove the subluxation or nerve interference so your body can function at 100% percent (think Yoda teaching Luke how to use the force, Yoda did not teach Luke but let Luke open his mind to the Force).  When you body is function at 100% the Innate Intelligence can fend of almost anything you might come in contact with.  Most people don't think that a chiropractor is a preventative and wellness doctor and we only deal with pain.  That couldn't be farther from the truth, also because of the world we live in and the spending of pharmaceutical companies on advertising many people think that some conditions are normal.  Just a few of these conditions are Headaches, Allergies (not food or pet), Sinus Infections, Heart Burn.

This is getting a little long but I just wanted to give you a little insight on how Chiropractors are like Jedi and I hope that you get checked for nerve interference before you have a symptom so you too can have your body functioning at 100%

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