Monday, July 23, 2012

13? Oh no the scariest number ever!

Most of us know that the number 13 is a very mystical and scary number.  Thank you pagens and Jason Voorhis.  Well I actually was thinking about how the number can be a positive and uplifting thing, so I am going to present THIRTEEN reasons to get your spine checked on a regular basis.  This will be the first six, I had to leave it as a cliff hanger.   I am sorry I did not post this 10 days ago you can all shake your fist in my general direction,  towards Texas.

        The vital energy that runs your body comes from the brain (agreed), travels over the nerves and gives vitality and vigor to your body.  Logic says that if that energy is interfered with your body will not work at its fullest potential. 

        Did you every have a day when your mind was extra sharp, thoughts and ideas come quickly or your memory was especially good?  Ever have just the opposite type of day?  Well, your body chemistry determines to a great extent your ability to think, concentrate and remember.  Body chemistry is controlled by your nervous system and your nervous system works better without interference (vertebral subluxation).

        How can getting adjusted make your job easier or cause your kids to give you less problems?  I'm sure some of you are thinking "Man, I don't know".  Well, it cannot (tricked you).  But there is a difference between adversity and stress.  Adversities are circumstances of life.  You cannot change them.  Stress is the inability to handle those adversities.  How well your body is working will determine to some degree how much adversity you can handle and how much stress you have in your life.  

        Here is a reason based on logic.  All things being equal, you will live longer if you take care of yourself, barring any unforeseen trauma, of course.  Taking care of yourself, in no small measure, means keeping your nervous system free of interference due to vertebral subluxation.  

        All sleep was not created equal.  Just because you get ten hours (that is way too much but lets just go with it for this example) doesn't mean you are getting the kind of rest you need.  At different times, we all have awaked refreshed, sluggish, or tired from the same amount of sleep.  How well your body is working will determine how much of your sleep is real sleep and not just "down time".

        We all need to exercise regularly.  Some of us do not have the energy to get up off the couch and begin a workout, although that is an issue we have already addressed.  Some of us have an interference in the nervous system that keeps the muscles of our body from receiving a full complement of vital life energy.  It is like trying to exercise a paralyzed muscle.  There is not enough energy going to those muscles.  That is what happens when there is interference in the nerve system due to a vertebral subluxation.  

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